Associate Caitlin Goetz Named Part of Saratoga Living’s Top 10 under 40

Dec 7, 2019

SARATOGA, NEW YORK: Associate Caitlin Goetz was included, as part of the Saratoga Performing Arts Center Junior Committee Offices, on a list, put forth by Saratoga Living which acknowledged the 10 people (or groups of people) under the age of 40 that Saratoga Living believes will (and already has) taken up that selfless baton of philanthropy in the region. Saratoga Living identifies these individuals  as those who are devoting their lives to giving and giving back, whether it be through personal donations, serving on charity boards or working in the nonprofit sector. They represent a genuine cross-section of the Capital Region.

Read More: Here

A Saratoga Gives Back Party on December 12, 2019, which will honor these individuals, will give 50% of the ticket proceeds to charities supported by these philanthropic individuals.  Find out more about the event: here

Towne, Ryan and Partners, P.C. could not be more proud of the Philanthropic efforts of our Associate Caitlin Goetz.


