Title Insurance Lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York

The title insurance lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York at the Towne Law Firm, P.C. can help you with a title search and title insurance if you are buying a new home. Your title is the document that shows that you own your home. When you purchase and close on your new home, the title is conveyed in your name, meaning you are the new owner. However, city and county records can sometimes have errors and sellers don’t always disclose all parties who may have a claim to the title. Sometimes sellers may not even know that there are other parties who may have a claim to a title. When it comes to titles, things can sometimes get complicated and mistakes are sometimes made.

In order to protect a buyer from any issues or errors that can arise, most home buyers purchase title insurance. The title insurance lawyers at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. in Saratoga Springs, New York can perform a title search to identify any potential problems with your title before you close on the sale. Yet, even the most thorough title search can’t always account for all errors that can occur. Forgeries, undisclosed heirs, unpaid taxes, and unpaid liens, and other people who may have a claim to your title can all pose risks and lead to risk of litigation down the line. The way to protect yourself from this unforeseen litigation is to purchase title insurance. The Towne Law Firm, P.C. is a title insurance law firm in Saratoga Springs, New York that can help you with your title insurance needs.

What is Title Insurance?

In short, title insurance is a special type of insurance you buy only once—when you are purchasing your home—but it protects you for as long as you own your home. Title insurance can protect you from any claims of back taxes that prior owners didn’t pay or didn’t disclose and can protect you from any liens that arise if a seller didn’t disclose them. Title insurance also protects you in the event a person claims to own your property, either through an undisclosed will or formerly undisclosed inheritance. Sometimes property may actually belong to multiple heirs, and if a prior owner didn’t disclose this or if there is a claim, title insurance can protect you.

Before title insurance is issued, a title insurance lawyer will perform a thorough search of records to see whether the title is “clean.” This means that the title is clearly held by the person selling you your home, that there are no disputes about property boundaries, no liens, and no other claims on your property. This search requires a skilled person performing it. A title insurance lawyer can do it.

Title insurance can protect you if it is later discovered that your title was forged, that records weren’t accurately kept, or when there were judgements or other liabilities on the property that weren’t disclosed. The title insurance lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. can help you with your real estate closing and title search, as well as with title insurance. Your home purchase is likely the biggest purchase you will make in your life. Protect your investment by taking the right steps, and have a title search performed and title insurance purchased when you buy real estate.

Property Lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York

A property lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York can help you with various aspects of your home purchase or sale. In fact, it is required that a lawyer oversee real estate sales in New York. A property lawyer can create a sales contract that protects your rights if you are selling property. If you are buying real estate, a property lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York can review the sales contract and help you understand your rights and obligations under it. For example, most real estate sales contracts will include a period of time during which you have the option to perform a home inspection and exit the contract if the home inspection isn’t satisfactory. If you need to secure a mortgage to buy your property, a sales contract may also include specific provisions that let you exit the contract if for some reason you cannot secure a mortgage.

A property lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. can also help you with all documents related to closing and can help you with the closing process. We can be with you every step of the way to help things go smoothly and intervene when they don’t. A property lawyer can also perform a title search and help you with title insurance. If you are getting a mortgage, the lender may only require you to purchase title insurance for the loan amount. If you are making a significant down payment, you may also want to purchase title insurance to protect your side of the investment. A property lawyer can make sure you have these protections in place.

Reach out to the property lawyers at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. in Saratoga Springs, New York today. Our property attorneys in Saratoga Springs, are qualified to help you every step of the way during the sale or purchase of real estate.

Foreclosure Lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York

Are you facing foreclosure? Don’t give up. Hire a foreclosure lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. today. Our foreclosure attorneys in Saratoga Springs can help you navigate and fight your foreclosure. We understand the laws under which the banks are required to operate when they begin the foreclosure process and we understand the specific steps and documentation the bank is required to produce. If the bank fails to produce proof that it holds your mortgage or if it fails to perform the steps in the right order, you may be able to fight or delay your foreclosure. The Towne Law Firm, P.C. is also able to negotiate with lenders, potentially helping you modify your mortgage so that it is more affordable. A foreclosure lawyer in Saratoga Springs. New York can also help you understand the various options available to you. In some cases, you may be able to avoid foreclosure with bankruptcy or by doing a short sale. The Towne Law Firm, P.C. can look at your unique circumstances and help you navigate the process. If you want to fight your foreclosure and want to understand what options you may have to keep your home, reach out to the foreclosure lawyers in Saratoga Springs, New York at The Towne Law Firm, P.C. today.