Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Sep 15, 2023

age discrimination

In a society that often emphasizes youthful vigor, age discrimination in the workplace is a concerning issue that many employees face. Whether it manifests in hiring decisions or workplace dynamics, such discrimination not only affects individuals but also hinders overall productivity.

As one of the leaders in advocating for employees’ rights in Albany, NY, The Towne Law Firm, P.C. is dedicated to illuminating the intricacies of age discrimination laws. This article offers comprehensive insights into New York’s legal landscape, outlining what constitutes age discrimination, and examining available legal remedies for those discriminated against.

Age Discrimination Laws in NY

New York has specific laws and regulations that prohibit age discrimination in the workplace. The New York Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) in addition to the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) provides comprehensive coverage against age-based discrimination. These laws protect individuals from workplace discrimination based on age.

In New York, the umbrella of protection against age discrimination is notably broad, covering individuals as young as 18. Governed by the NYSHRL, this inclusive approach differs from federal guidelines, specifically the ADEA. While the ADEA only safeguards employees who are 40 years of age or older, NYSHRL eliminates this age threshold, making its protections more expansive.

Cases of Age Discrimination

Age discrimination is the inequitable treatment of employees or job applicants solely based on their age, and it can affect both older and younger individuals. Discrimination may present itself in a myriad of ways, affecting various aspects of employment:

  • Hiring Decisions: Employers may favor younger applicants over older ones, assuming the latter may not be as adaptable or tech-savvy.
  • Promotion Barriers: Older employees may find themselves passed over for promotions in favor of younger colleagues who are assumed to be more energetic or innovative.
  • Forced Retirement: Some employers subtly (or not so subtly) push older employees into early retirement to make way for a younger workforce.

Discrimination is not always overt; it can manifest through microaggressions, systemic practices, or even office culture that perpetuates age-related stereotypes. Therefore, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and informed to recognize and combat age discrimination effectively.

Proving Age Discrimination

Successfully proving age discrimination necessitates a multi-step approach, requiring the complainant to fulfill specific legal criteria:

  • Protected Age Group: First, the individual bringing forth the complaint must belong to an age group that is protected under relevant laws, whether federal or state.
  • Adverse Employment Action: The complainant must have experienced an adverse action affecting their employment status. This could range from demotion and termination to lesser-known forms like exclusion from training programs or unequal pay.
  • Inferential Circumstances: The adverse action must have happened in a setting that gives reasonable grounds to believe it was age-based. For instance, if a company lays off a group of older employees but retains younger ones with less experience, that could be considered evidence of age discrimination.

Crucially, documentary evidence such as internal communications that reflect age bias can serve as compelling proof. This may include emails, meeting notes, or even audio recordings that capture discriminatory comments or policies.

Prevent Age Discrimination at Work

Age discrimination is a multifaceted issue that affects both older and younger employees. With specific laws in place like NYSHRL, which offers more expansive protections compared to federal laws, individuals in New York have a robust framework for seeking justice. However, the onus is not only on employees to recognize and fight against age discrimination. Employers, too, must take proactive measures to ensure a discrimination-free workplace. These can range from comprehensive training programs and clear company policies to transparent reporting mechanisms and strict accountability measures.

Employers who fail to address this issue adequately risk both legal repercussions and damage to their reputation. If you’re an employer seeking guidance on how to comply with age discrimination laws, The Towne Law Firm, P.C. offers assistance to help you maintain a workplace free from discrimination. Or, if you believe you have been a victim of age discrimination, consult our experienced workplace attorneys in Albany, NY, for proper guidance and representation. Contact us today for a consultation.


