TLF Partner Christine Taylor Featured in Glamping Business Americas

Aug 5, 2024

ALBANY, NY | The Towne Law Firm, P.C. (TLF) Partner, Christine Taylor has been featured in Glamping Business Americas for her insightful article on the importance of liability protection.

In her article, Christine emphasizes the necessity for business owners to create and maintain Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) or corporations to protect their personal assets. She explains how outdoor hospitality businesses, such as glamping venues, can benefit from using separate legal entities for owning real estate and operating the business. This separation helps limit personal liability and shields personal assets from business debts and obligations.

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Christine also provides advice on maintaining the “corporate veil” to ensure that the separation between personal and business assets remains intact. She highlights the importance of following corporate formalities, such as holding annual meetings, keeping minutes, and properly documenting major business transactions. By avoiding the commingling of personal and business assets, business owners can prevent courts from piercing the corporate veil and holding them personally liable for business debts.

Click here to read the full article.

Whether you are a large hotel chain, the owner of several recreational vehicle parks, a family-owned campground, or an outdoor venue or attraction like a glamping destination, The Towne Law Firm, P.C. (TLF) has the experienced team you need to help resolve your hospitality industry concerns.

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