TLF featured in Forbes, Fortune & Entrepreneur Magazines!
Apr 21, 2022ALBANY, NY | The Towne Law Firm (TLF) was featured in Forbes, Fortune, and Entrepreneur Media to shed some light on the extensive work that went into the firm’s Wellness Initiatives for 2022. TLF has high hopes in EXCEEDING the EXPECTATIONS of our employees and our clients. Our new approach to work-life balance is the key to providing exceptional client service, while assuring our employees are well taken care of.
In 2021, the firm partnered with Dr. Benita Zahn, a certified health and well-being coach, to facilitate in creating the best benefit package available to TLF employees.
Among the many things available in the package, employees can enjoy a ‘basket of benefits’ to choose from, up to a $2,500 value each year. Some of these things include: child care assistance, fitness/gym reimbursment, vet cost reimbursement, tuition support, and more!
Read the full article by clicking on the image above, featuring TLF Partner, James Towne and Benita Zahn to learn more about exactly what our firm is doing to exceed expectations.
Click below to view a more detailed version of our benefits package.
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